VEPTRS got moved!!! Yay!! I am so thrilled. Two weeks ago when we were in Philadelphia, the general surgeon who we met with to go over his involvement in the surgery explained that the rods would protrude about 1 inch. When he said that, I felt as if I had been punched in the stomach. One inch? Outside my baby's body? One inch of metal visible in lumps coming from his back? How would one do therapy on him? How will he sleep on his back? How will we hold him? How is it possible to keep them from coming through the skin? All of these things raced through my head at the same time. I am pretty sure, I managed a nod and soon after we left the office. It was monotoning in PA that day and I felt it was apropos. All of the sudden the surgery felt ominously close.
It just so happened, Owen had a fever that day. And the next, and the next and so on and so forth. I mentioned this to the nurse at Dr. C's office. Dr. C being Owen's orthopedic surgeon for the VEPTRS. They called me back and said, we do not want want to operate in a month where he has been sick. We would rather play it safe than sorry. And so would I. So the surgery has been moved to May 31. Which seems right. We will have a three day weekend together right before the surgery, where we can hopefully do some fun things and spend time together before we have to spread ourselves over three states.
And all of this means that the twins will get a birthday party! Their first!!! And I could not be more excited. I feel like this is a party for all of us. The twins turn one, but so do we in a way. It's our first year with twins, our first year with Owen and all of his medical care, first year of appointments, first year of surgeries, therapies. It's our first birthday in a way. I am planning a carnival themed party. With ring toss, popcorn machine, bean bag toss, cracker jacks, cotton candy, magician, face painting. The twins won't remember a thing. But we will and we could use a dose of fun right now. Even Gavin is excited. For a while there, he wasn't attending, despite the fact that the majority of the party is his friends. After taking a look at some of the decorations and the cotton candy I bought from target (on sale), he has decided it would be in his best interests to attend. I knew he would see it that way eventually.
For the rest of March, life goes like this:
Appointments with therapist
Appointments with Ortho
Carla's birthday
Appointments with therapy
Appointments with Ortho
My birthday
Appointments for CT scan (overnight stay at NYU)
which may quickly be turning into foot surgery (and a longer stay at NYU)
The twins birthday.
Its a month of appointments and birthdays! I am turning 33. I remember when I thought that was old. Now I think I was just crazy when I was young and had thoughts like that.