Sunday, February 17, 2013

Something new....

As many of you know, I have been trying to lose weight and successfully losing weight for the last 2 years. In March of 2011, I started walking in a effort to become healthier. I didn't attempt to eat any better at first, but I knew I needed to start moving my body, which was almost the biggest it had ever been. And I did. I walked in snow, rain and in the cold starting March 1, 2011. I walked 5 times a week. I ate a little better, as a natural consequence of my exercise, but it wasn't a focus. The twins were turning one and I knew that with Owen and all the things happening in life, I just needed to tackle one thing at at time.
March 2011

I started to concentrate on my diet somewhere between July and August of 2011. It was the summer, there was a ton of fresh and good produce available and I began to think about my health as a whole. I was dropping some weight, but it was very slow. I was feeling healthier but not necessarily looking better. I knew if I thought about my food, things would move faster. This was also around the time that I found C25K and
started running.

August 2011

By October of 2011, I finished c25k. It took me a little longer because of Owen's surgery schedule. I ran religiously though. I ran in Philly, I ran if I was hungover, I ran in whatever weather. I was focused. I ran my first 5K in November of 2011.

 November 2011

By December I had lost 40+ pounds.

 By April of 2012, I was down 65 pounds.

April 2012

 But then it happened. THE HORRIBLE PLATEAU. The scale that never changes. The panic. The more frequent weighing in the hopes that there will be a change for the better. This went on through September of 2012. I stuck with my program and there was no movement. My program largely consisted of running, walking, elliptical, and salsa class once a week. Cardio.

So I tried something new. I started lifting weights and I joined a boot camp program at Max Impact Training in White Plains, New York. When I say I started lifting weights, I mean, I used the machines. There is nothing wrong with machines or nothing that I can adequately articulate and I would not want to discourage someone from trying weights by using the machines. What I will say is that once you try the machines, read about dumbbells and free weights and the benefits of body weight weight lifting. You will find a whole new world, but one I won't write about. I am no one's trainer because I am still learning and changing and trying. My routine is completely different today in the weight section of the gym than it was in September of 2012.

What a whole new world. I love weight training. I love how strong I feel. How strong I am. I went from light weights and machines to heavy weights and mostly squats, dead lifts, lunges, dumbbells, the smith machine and the cables. And I lift pretty heavy now. I am really good at increasing my weight and pushing myself. 240 lbs on the leg press, 60 lb low rows, 15lb dumbbells in each hand for over head presses. Not bad for a girl.

But the scale still isn't moving. I increased my calories, which sounds counter productive but isn't once you read about how your body actually works and what it needs to build lean muscle mass. I work out hard. I still do cardio because I have not reached the weight I want to be at. I have gained a little back and have spent from April 2012 through now gaining and losing the same 5-10 lbs over and over and over.

Clearly, I have not figured this out yet. I have also lost a little of my drive during this time. I work out hard. I workout many times a week. On a bad week it's 3-4 times. On a good week it's 5-6 times. And I am consistent. The only time I miss working out is surgery for O and injury for me. I hate forced rest weeks. I now get panicky.

You can tell I work out. I am not thin (yet) but I am in shape. You can see some of my muscles. You can see some of my bones and if you are being critical and need to pick, you can see fat too. I tend to focus on the fat. I know I need to shift my focus and I am working on not tearing myself down so much. Here is me today (or last week):

In an effort to give me some extra drive and something to work for, I signed up for a Spartan Sprint. I need motivation to finish the weight-loss portion of this ride ( I hate the word journey). For those of you who don't know what a Spartan is- read this:


Me: getting ready

It's time to get serious. So here is my plan for the next 12 weeks:

4 runs a week- half intervals, half low intensity, 4 strength sessions a week. Upper body A, Lower A, Upper B, Lower B. A 5th cardio day that is less intense. It's 2 a-days, but I was laid off 4 weeks ago, so for the moment, I have the time.

AND I need to cut my carbs. As a vegetarian my diet is carb heavy and protein weak. It's a mistake, but it's hard to fix. I need to commit to trying my hardest though. I need to up my protein. It means two shakes a day but I am not willing to eat chicken. So it is what it is.

I am blogging about it today because I know I have lost some of my mojo.  I need accountability.  I need motivation.  I would like to lose 40lbs over the next 15 weeks. So today I tell you, my 15 followers that this is the plan so there are at least 15 people out there that will hopefully root for me. Tomorrow is day 1. I Wish me luck. I may be really cranky in the next few weeks.  And these posts might go from positive to GIVE ME THE BREAD OR I WILL HURT YOU.  I apologize ahead of time.

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