Saturday, March 14, 2015

Compromise and convenience items I am using...

I think we are about 8 weeks into this lifestyle change and as you all know and see, I do a ton of food prep. But someone mentioned yesterday that I am making all mothers look bad with all this cooking and baking I am doing. She can't figure out when I have the time. She was kidding but I thought about it. I don't make everything. I am navigating these changes and trying to see what works  for me and my family. I have also found that I am losing some of the battles with the kids snacks and food. They don't like everything and I find that I am compromising with them on some of their snacks and favorite items. 

1st losing battle: Goldfish crackers. 
They love them. They ask for them. They want them. They asked if the Easter bunny could bring them as a treat. I felt bad. I've told them that they aren't good for them. They don't care. So I put them in my cart. And then I remembered Annie's. So I virtually headed over to the organic section of peapod and I started reading labels. And this is the compromise in our house: 

And here is the nutrition information: 

One of the things I love most about peapod is that I can read labels from my phone. 

Yes, it has more than 5 ingredients but not many more and I know what the ingredients used are for. 

2nd losing battle: Cookies

I made date cookies and I love them. But the kids weren't as excited. They weren't big on the texture or the coconut. So those will remain mommy treats and for the boys I bought:

And here is the nutritional info:

I give them two crackers and some natural peanut butter and they are happy. They feel like it's a treat. 

3rd losing battle: Kraft Mac and Cheese

This was a big one. Bigger than the others. I am ashamed to say (don't judge me) that my kids ate Kraft Mac and Cheese once a week. Usually on the weekend. Often accompanied by chicken nuggets or hot dogs. They liked it best made with whole milk and the 4T of butter the recipe calls for. Me too.  So you can imagine the loss they felt when I took it off the table. 

The compromise:

 And here is the nutrition info:

I make it with 1T of grassfed butter. I make it with organic whole milk. It's delicious. And the smiles on their face makes me feel just fine about it. 

4th losing battle: Honey Nut Cheerios

They ate it almost every day. And no pint of egg muffins, homemade granola or overnight oats seems to fill the void. 

The compromise: 

The nutritional value:

It has cane syrup as its second ingredient which is not ideal. But so far I can't find one as tasty, as economical and as healthy that the kids will eat. 

I also buy hummus, crackers,
ketchup and salsa from trader joes, Amy's organic meals for my own lunches during the week and Annie's bbq sauce. 

This is a process and it won't work if the other 4 members of my family are miserable with the changes we are making. 

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