Monday, July 19, 2010

What a weekend!

Its been a while, but I can honestly say that I had a great weekend. They haven't been bad or anything, just different with the constant baby juggle. But this weekend we got a peak at what life might be like as these two get a little bigger. We were able to clean the house in 3 hours, which may not sound like a great time to anyone else, but its insanely important to me and it had been taking 6-7 hours to get it done. 3 hours felt like old times! We went to Miss Emma Anderson's 1st birthday party and it was adorable. Emma was gorgeous with her white dress and her smile that just makes you melt. The twins were enjoyable and even napped in their stroller. We managed a trip to Stew Leonards which is one of my favorite places to shop. Literally. The vegetable aisle makes me happy. The herb cart makes me happy. The chiquita banana dancing makes me happy. We then went home where Erika was throwing Andy and Madison a birthday party and people held the babies all night. We drank some wine and relaxed. And for me, the best part of the weekend was yet to come! Sunday I got to go to the beach alone. Erika, Alyson and I packed our beach bags, our cooler and headed for Robert Moses State Park. We were on the beach, in our chairs, passing magazines to each other by 9am. I miss the ocean so much when I am away from it for too long. I love it so much and its always been the center of my summers. Going away to the beach, weekend trips to the beach, bbqs at the beach. I feel thankful that its easily accessible to me. We tanned and attempted to get in the water but it was freezing and rough, so we stayed about thigh high and tried to cool off. I sat and imagined what it would be like next year with the babies being 15 months old and Gavin trying to convince me he should be allowed in alone because he can let go of daddy in grammys pool. After the beach, I cooked a lobster dinner. Lobster (thanks to a sale at Stew's- $3.99 a lb) and farm corn, tomatoes, garlic butter and pesto potato salad. The whole thing just felt like summer!

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