Monday, May 31, 2010

The babies are 8 weeks!

We made it to two months! Caleb is smiling a lot more now and most recently, this morning, at the toys that hang from the bouncy chair. He has been staring at them and smiling all morning. Owen smiles too, but it tends to be in response to gas. I am confident that he will soon find us as amusing and will smile at us as well.

Last week was the normal run of appointments. We had therapy every day and OT on Tuesday. We had our hernia checkup appointment and all looks great. We also had our 2 month check up. Owen is 7lbs 10oz and Caleb is 10lbs 9oz (chunker). Owen is 18 and 3/4 inches but thats without being stretched. We think this is an increase of3 and 3/4 inches. Caleb is 23 inches (increase of 5 inches).

We saw lots of family in the last week. We had Peggy this week to help out. She took Gavin back to DC for the weekend. As he left our house he was yelling to his friends "I am going to meet Obama." When I asked him what he would say to the President if he met him, he told me "I am going to ask for a bigger car." I guess sitting between two car seats in a booster in the backseat is proving to be annoying for Gavin. Anyway, he did not meet the President nor did he acheive getting us a bigger car but he did make it to the zoo and to Aunt Meaghan's house. Peggers brought him home on the train, which he loved.

Yesterday, Markus and Maureen visited from Atlanta on the way to Vermont. It was so great to see them and they were awesome while they were here, helping us out and providing endless hours of entertainment for Gavin (poor Maureen!).

We also went to Alyson and Bri's for the first BBQ of the season. It was great to see Kristen and Andrew and Beckarine. Lots of hands to hold and feed the babies, not to mention an awesome spread. Al outdid herself with the food. It was a great day.

Kate Sedey has arrived for her week of torture! Just kidding. But Nick leaves for Utah today for 10 days and Kate and I are doing baby duty together. Nick and I are actually scared that between Calebs screaming (a touch of colic, for fun) and the nighttime feedings, our children will never have cousins.

Yes, I did say Nick is leaving for 10 days. I know, I am nuts. However, he will get to hike and camp Zion National Park with the 6th grade and I know he loves that. I am not sure if hanging with 40 6th graders night and day is relaxing, but I am hoping they let him sleep through the night.

I am nervous about the week. Lately, when we have people helping out, its a third set of hands and its often still hectic. I just keep quietly begging the babies to be good this week and not have any crazy issues. Lets keep the fevers, crying, and stomach issues to a minimum and the sleeping to a maximum. Wish us luck!

This week is an important week. We have PT every day, we go back into casts for a while and we have our big, full body MRI to see if Owens brain and spine are normal. I know they suspect his spine is not, but please dear God, let his brain be fine. Please say a prayer or wish for good karma for him and that everything is normal.

I hope you all are having a wonderful, relaxing Memorial Day weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Miss Sara
    Happy 8 week birthday to the twins. You write so well. Thank you for keeping me posted on my nephews and you and Nick. Kiss everyone for me.
